Monday, November 9, 2015

Lighting and Location Lesson

Ok, we're going to talk about one of my favorite things...dramatic lighting at dusk for wedding photos.  I will always try to get my couple outside for a shot like this...if the timing works out and I can pull them away from the festivities for 10 minutes.  But first, I want to show you how we GET a photo like this...

This is what the scene looked like to the camera, when left to it's own devices.  What does that mean?  That means it's on a program setting, and you're shooting to get a ballpark for what you want shutter and aperture set at.  It then gets switched into manual mode and finely tuned.  The first thing I'm doing is getting a combination of settings that will show me the blues and color in the sky and clouds, if they're there. 

A different version of the "starting" image.  See those cars back there?  I'm working right next to a road and a parking lot.  Those things must be avoided.  So...we changed the perspective for the series.

This is what the shot would look like with just available light.

And THIS is what the shot looks like with a combination of available light and flash to back light the couple.  Her dress is hiding my tripod and Q-Flash, and it's controlled by a remote attached to my camera.  I love the control I have when everything's set manually...and I love that I can make something so beautiful and dramatic out of something that might not have looked so interesting to begin with.  A camera is just a tool.  The magic is in how you use it.  :)

Friday, October 30, 2015

Old Sturbridge Village Weddings

Over 15 years of photographing weddings, there are certain venues that I've photographed at many times.  Old Sturbridge Village is one of them.  A winter project of mine is to make books for each venue that I keep returning to, but in the meantime I'm going to start with blog posts for each popular venue.  Hopefully this will give you a feel for Village weddings in all seasons.  Larger weddings have the reception in the Oliver Wight Tavern...smaller ones are usually in the Bullard Tavern.  If the couple's ceremony is held at the Village it is usually in the Meeting House or the Herb Garden.